sparing of things in this world so that we may receive them in the next. Have you not seen how Almighty God has chastised a people for having received good things in their worldly life?” By another account,
the decision were truly in my hands, I should please myself. But it is not. It is in the hands of God.”
Making the Quran one’s greatest preoccupation
Whenever officials were to be despatched
UPS AND DOWNS IN LIFEA contented soul is one who bows before God and thanks Him on receiving something, and expresses his humility when something is taken away from him.
Chapter 89 of the Quran states:
that I have written on the subject were put together, it would form a voluminous book.
It is with God’s grace that thousands of Kashmiris have benefitted from these efforts I have made. Many of them have
Hadith is it stated that woman was made from a crooked rib, this being an ancient biblical version of God’s creation of human life. The word “rib” was used by the Prophet in a purely metaphorical sense and
تدبر کے ساتھ پڑھتا ہے، وہ جب اپنا محاسبہ کرتا ہے، وہ خشوع والی عبادت انجام دیتاہے، وہ خدا رخی زندگی (God-oriented life) اختیار کرتا ہے تو اس کے اندر ایک مزکّٰی شخصیت (purified personlity) بنتی ہے۔ یہی مزکّیٰ
تمنّا نہ کرو، بلکہ خدا سے عافیت مانگو:
Don't wish confrontation with your enemy, ask always peace from God.
جیسا کہ عرض کیا گیا،حضرت عائشہ نے پیغمبر اسلام کی جنرل پالیسی کو اِن الفاظ میں بیان کیا ہے: ما خُیّر
بلکہ خدا سے عافیت مانگو:
Don't wish for confrontation with your enemy, instead ask for peace from God.
جیسا کہ عرض کیا گیا،حضرت عائشہ نے پیغمبر اسلام کی جنرل پالیسی کو اِن الفاظ میں بیان کیا ہے: ما خُیّر
کی آیت: واللہ یدعو إلی دار السلام (یونس :25 ) کا انگریزی ترجمہ اِن الفاظ میں لکھا ہوا تھا:
And God calls to the home of peace (10:25)
اِس آیت میں بیک وقت دو باتیں کہی گئی ہیں — دعوت اور امن۔
اِس کے
IN SPACE AND ON EARTHSo glorify God in the evening and in the morning— and praise be to Him in the heavens and on the earth—and glorify Him in the late afternoon, and at midday. He brings forth the living