terms of the movement of the switch that makes the bulb light, the fans move and the factories run. What has come within our experience is simply an external phenomenon and not, by any means, the event that
was not appropriate in the matter of God. This is why those who followed it could not be successful.
What is the right methodology for the intellectual search for God? The Quran has given an indication of
of this kind of one-sided and partial news reporting that Muslims want to create their own press. What they do not realize is that the world for which they want to create such a press has neither any need
areas of Texas, having witnessed the destruction caused by horrible floods, were interviewed about what they felt were their future prospects. Surprisingly, less than ten percent expressed apprehension
violence totally futile. Advances in the present age have made it possible to achieve by peaceful means what could previously be gained only by violent means. Earlier every expansion led to confrontation because
کا ایک جملہ یہ تھا— لڑکا یا لڑکی کا کیا فائدہ جب کہ ہم دونوں اس دنیا سے جا چکے ہوں گے۔
After all what does sex matter after we are both of us gone.
لارڈکرزن کا یہ جملہ محض اپنی مایوس نفسیات کو چھپانے
کرسکا۔ تاہم ایک صاحب نے کہا کہ اگر کوئی شخص اپنی ذاتی عقل سے کوئی رائے بنائے تو اس کی قدروقیمت کیا ہے۔
What, if any, is the validity of reason unsupported by scientific verification?
میں نے کہا کہ محض ذاتی
people are so lost in themselves that they have no idea of east or west! How, then, will they know what message the sun conveys, every day of their lives, in its silent language?”
The train halted at another
therefore, that we are not dealing with machines, which ought to respond to the mere flicking of a switch. What we have to address ourselves to is man, and man accepts something only when he himself is willing
happens that many people become his opponents. He has to face considerable opposition. At this juncture, what he has to do is to adopt the method of patience. He must withstand the difficulties he is faced with