resources have now reached their final stage of exhaustion. We have been told about this in the Quran in advance that the resources necessary for the survival of human life, far from being boundless, are limited. (The Quran, 15:21 )
‘God desires that prior to the blowing of the trumpet man may reform himself and be found eligible to enter the next world successfully.’
In the present day, just as everything has been subjected to research, in a similar way research is also being carried out on a large scale on natural resources. Here are some of the books based on such research work:
1) The Limits to Growth by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers Universe Books, 1972, pp. 205 , printed in the USA
2) The End of Nature by Bill Mc Kibben, Anchor, 1989, pp. 195 , printed in the USA
3) Beyond the Limits by Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Chelsea Green, 1992, pp. 320, printed in the USA
These books and other such books tell us that the resources of nature have been limited from the very beginning. Man, particularly in the present age of modern technology, has been making unlimited use of these resources, which our world of limited resources cannot afford. Now these resources have diminished to such an extent that scientists want to develop new ways and means of sustainable development. But the truth is that it is not a case of sustainable development, rather it is a case of the coming to an end of all resources