other creatures. It was so that the Prophet of Islam and his Ummah might learn valuable lessons from the ways in which these prophets dealt with their circumstances and the situations in which they found themselves.
In the Quran, the Prophet of Islam is thus addressed:
These are whom God guided aright, so follow their guidance. (The Quran, 6:90 )
Everyone of them was an upright man guided by God along a straight path and as such was superior to all others. Chapter 6 mentions a number of these prophets by name. They are: Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaaq (Issac), Yaqub (Jacob), Nuh (Noah), Dawood (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ayyub (Job), Yousuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron), Zakariya, Isa (Jesus), Ismail, AI-Yahya (John the Baptist), Younus (Jonah), and Lut (Lot), (Peace be upon them all).
In the fifth chapter, mentioning the earlier prophets and their communities, the Quran further clarifies this point:
We have ordained a law and a path for each of you (The Quran, 5:48 ).
The crux of this matter is that although God’s religion is one-monotheism-the human condition keeps changing; individually as well as socially.
That is why, despite there being one single religion, its practical application varies with circumstances. This is what accounts for the dissimilarity of approach on the part of different prophets. Then the human