spiritual faith. ''There are moments when I do stop and pray to God. But if you ask me who that God is or what kind of image He has, my mind boggles. I'm confused, perplexed, confounded. But I refuse to let that
spiritual faith. ''There are moments when I do stop and pray to God. But if you ask me who that God is or what kind of image He has, my mind boggles. I'm confused, perplexed, confounded. But I refuse to let that
- تشکیل جدید الٰہیاتِ اسلامیہ، ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال
(The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam)
3 - قصّۃ الإیمان، بین العلم والفلسفۃ والقرآن، شیخ ندیم الجسر
4 - قرآن اور علمِ جدید،