this short life of his arrives and he departs from this world in the regret that he failed to obtain what he wanted to.
Why is this so?
In this vast universe, a human being is the only creature who nurses
Why is this so?
A person’s basic fault here is that he has made this world his target. What he ought to have done instead was to make the Hereafter his target. A person should know that this
All of a sudden he felt as though he had found something far greater than the water he had come for. What happened was quite simple. The villagers who visited the well for water, usually brought two earthen
Hopefully, I will find God. Heart and soul, I yearn for a vision of Him. And, by my soul, do you know what this longing—this intense love—of mine amounts to? It is a manifestation of the holy spirit. Even
function that day. The schoolboys had formed a queue outside a window. The village boy went closer to see what the matter was. He noticed that the students were being given sweets. And so, he also joined the queue
called the Prophet and told him that these chieftains had come to offer him a pledge for a pledge. “What is it that you want of them?” asked Abu Talib. “Just one thing,” replied the Prophet, then, turning
leniency, you will touch the conscience of the other person, he may consider your suggestion and accept what you say. But if you speak in a harsh manner, then his reaction might be different. Harsh talk could
mules and donkeys, so that you may ride them, and also so that they may be put on show, and He creates what you do not know. (16:4-8)
These verses refer to three blessings which in the entire universe have
greater than the love of God. When one lives in the love of God, he will also try to give to others what he has discovered for himself. He will expend all his energy in the effort to make others also discover
will also die. The message of death is: “O people, prepare yourselves for the future, because finally what is about to fall to your lot is your future, and not your past or your present.”
A certain person