right and which attitude is wrong.
The Creation Plan regarding life, which we have been told of by God through His prophets, is that the Creator has created man as an eternal creature, with the first brief
these are desires. The other way can be leading a life whereby these desires are willfully managed.
God has given us free will and our test is to rightfully use this freedom and thereby control our desires
It should also not be forgotten that real happiness lies in sharing with others the bounties that God has given us. It is incumbent on us to give alms (sadaqah fitr) on this festival. In this sense Zakat
testing the riverbed at every step.
Who taught the elephant to do this? Surely it must have been God who gave him his instinct for survival, thus setting upon him His seal of divine approval.
hand and tongue people are safe. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 8931) This means that the true servant of God is the one who lives as a non-violent person in society. He should not utter such words as may hurt
one of his companions, “Shall I give you a compact piece of advice?” He said: “Yes, O Messenger of God”. The Prophet said, “Guard your tongue.” (At-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 2616) Guarding the tongue means that
Successful is one who has developed a personality that is worthy of being accepted in the Hereafter by God Almighty.BEFORE DEATH, AFTER DEATHThe present world is a testing ground. Death puts an end to this
for the life after death, and the unwise is one who follows his desires and pins all his hopes on God, without any preparation.
An old man once lamented that life for him was reduced to nothing but a
The Creation Plan of God
A western philosopher has written that it appears that man is a strange creature in this vast universe. It seems that neither man is made for this world, nor this world is made
signs will appear which will serve as the final warning for man. After the emergence of these signs, God will command the angel Israfil to blow the trumpet. Then, all of a sudden, human history, having passed