high morale, but every man dies with the feeling that, despite all his efforts, he has failed to find what he wants.
This, without exception, is the history of the whole of mankind.This is the biggest question
comforts and pleasure. In the modern world the problem of boredom has become widespread. That
being so, what is the use of eternal Paradise?”
People who do not believe in the Hereafter say such things repeatedly
death, and O People of Hell, now you have eternity and no death.’” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2849)
What is purification? Purification means making oneself a purified soul, such as will be worthy of inhabiting
divine court. Undoubtedly the most unfortunate person is one who has attained old age without heeding what it signified, thus remaining in a total state of negligence, even dying in that state.COMPLETE DEPRIVATIONDeath
of fulfilling their desires, totally oblivious of the reality of who has built this world and for what purpose.
How has this come about? In present times when science has discovered and made known the
wrong!” Only a person with such an attitude will study and discuss. After going through this process, what his evaluation will be right. If a decision is arrived at without going through this process, it would
The third thing which we have been told by the Prophet of God (PBUH) provides an answer to what man should do to establish his relationship with God. This can be expressed under three separate headings: