touch them. In this way, he prepares himself for a well-regulated and responsible life, doing only what is his duty and refraining from pernicious acts and habits. Having strengthened his character he continues
CHAPTER TWO The Concept of Jihad in IslamThe word jihad is derived from the root jahada, which means ‘to strive’ or ‘to struggle’. It denotes the exertion of oneself to the utmost, to the limits of one’s
Abu Dawud’s response.
To collaborate in injustice is sinful
Wasilah ibn Asqa once asked Prophet what constituted bigotry. “Collaborating with your own people in wrongdoing,” answered the Prophet.
Prophet said to them: “You have returned from a minor struggle (Jihad) to a major one.” They asked him what that major struggle was. “The struggle engaged in by a servant of God to control his own desires,”
a whale. He suddenly found himself in the whale’s belly, and there was no way out of this plight.
What was the reason behind this? The reason was that a community may be adjudged deniers of monotheism
a whale. He suddenly found himself in the whale’s belly, and there was no way out of this plight.
What was the reason behind this? The reason was that a community may be adjudged deniers of monotheism
dinars to the little girl. But the girl did not stop crying. The Prophet
asked, “My dear, isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted some money,
Why are you still crying? The little girl said, “I am afraid
the war that was unleashed that perhaps not even in the successive hundred years can it make up for what it has lost and the damage that it has suffered.
This stark contrast between the conditions of these
their results. If, instead, they result in what the Quran refers to as fasad or strife corruption , then they are actually themselves a form of fasad, no matter what seemingly beautiful words may be used to
argument was without doubt an illogical one, for, what was indicated by Newton’s explanation was only the apparent cause. The question still arose as to what was the cause of the causes. In this matter, the