was to punish those who were being hasty in finalizing the divorce procedure.
It is a matter of Islamic historical record that when any such person was brought before ‘Umar for having uttered the word
ordinary human beings. This is illustrated by many incidents a few of which are mentioned here.
This is what is meant by the world being a planting ground for the hereafter. One who realizes this fact lives
intelligent, committing the same mistake in their lives. When an individual tries to accomplish instantly what should be worked for over a long period—like the youth who sought to reach the ground level by jumping
command, the whole record will be played back to us. On hearing it people will involuntarily say, “What sort of a book is this which has omitted neither the smallest nor the gravest of matters?” (The Quran)
تھے۔انہوں نے اپنے گہرے ذاتی مطالعہ سے اسلام کو سمجھا اور اس کو قبول کیا۔ ان کا واقعہ میں نے اپنی کتاب (Islam Rediscovered) میں نقل کیا ہے۔
پچھلی صدیوں میں اور موجودہ زمانہ میں بڑی تعداد میں لوگ اسلام کے دائرہ
to effectively disseminate the message of divine religion and bring people to an understanding of what awaits them in the Hereafter.
It is imperative, however, that such trained individuals should not
The secret of contentment is being happy with what one has
Saad’s advice to his son was that if he desired wealth, he should remain content once he had acquired it, for without that feeling of contentment
was only to comfort her grandfather that she had conceived of this idea.83
Before the advent of Islam, Asma’s father had been one of the richest merchants of Mecca, but when Asma’ emigrated to Medina
stone walking around? The word miraculous is barely adequate to describe the capabilities of man. But what else is there to this walking, talking, thinking, feeling man which distinguishes him from earth and