extremely lamentable. In the name of establishing ‘Islamic Government’ and ‘The Prophetic System’ (Nizam-e Mustafa) and engaging in ‘Islamic Jihad’, such acts are being committed as are completely opposed to
کی ذاتی دلچسپی کی وجہ سے انتہائی عمدہ طباعت کے ساتھ شائع ہوتا رہاہے۔ کووڈ 19 کے بعد سے یہ ای میگزین (e-magazine)کی شکل میں نکل رہا ہے۔ انگریزی زبان پر ان کومہارت حاصل تھی۔میگزین کے آغاز جنوری 2013 سے لے
Video. Thanks
5. I pray for you and send my best wishes regarding this magnificent deed of Tableegh e Deen. Undoubtedly the youngsters of today direly need to understand the Almighty's message, the Quran
during the lifetime of the
Prophet. Among his Companions were a select group of about half
a dozen katib-e-wahy—transcribers of the revelations. A few of these
scribes were always present in the Prophet’s company
on the Quran, in particular, Qatada and Zahhak, despondency is counted among the major sins (Tafsir-e-Qurtubi 9/252). Yet, here, we have an entire community falling a prey to frustration. How do we explain
(d. 1439) one of the great Sufis of Kashmir, symbolized the true Kashmiriat. He was known as Alamdar-e-Kashmir, and was greatly respected also by the Hindus, who called him Nand Rishi. He was equally popular
a separate block for the Muslims, or being highly vocal in launching movements in the name of Nizam-e- Mustafa. Such movements are totally irrelevant to progress. Only two things are required for progress—peace
The literal meaning of jihad is ‘effort’ or ‘struggle’. The Quran speaks about a ‘great jihad’ (jihad-e kabir)—engaging in jihad through the Quran (25:52). According to a hadith, a mujahid, one who engages