from here:
Hindi translation of Maulana’s Urdu book Hadith-e-Rasool titled Hadeese-Rasool Ek Sangrah launched.
Special edition of the periodical Al-Risala was launched
activities are geared to promoting the Nizam-e Mustafa (‘The System of the Prophet’), but whatever they are engaged in has no relationship with the Nizam-e Mustafa at all.
The present-day Muslims’ predicament
religions of peace. The Sufis have given the best interpretation of Islam. A Persian phrase, ‘Sulh-e-Kul’, which means peace with all, truly expresses the spirit of Islam.
There are two major sources of
The Prophet received the prophethood in the year 610 AD, and b e g a n h i s task of explaining the oneness of God in Makkah. This l e d t o the struggle between monotheism and polytheism. The Quran predicted